"Cells at Work BLACK" is a manga created by the famous Japanese manga artist Tina. In this anime, not only the fantasy style in the comics is shown, but also the horror and gloomy atmosphere in the story is well interpreted by using heavy tones and cruel descriptions. When manga fans go to watch this anime again, they will be better immersed in the plot of the manga
Arteries are mainly developed with cells in the human body as the main role. The main role in animation, red blood cells are responsible for transporting New human cells with oxygen and carbon dioxide. Because the red blood cell contains a large amount of hemoglobin, it appears red in appearance. The white blood cells are responsible for the continuous discharge of many externally invading bacteria and viruses in the human body. These two large cells constitute the main working structure of the human body. With the emergence of different situations such as excessive stress, insufficient smoking, and drinking, the human body becomes more and more unhealthy, and overworked cells will have the desire to defecate.
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