The play tells the story of An Ni, a top student from a prestigious law school, who joins the Fourth Prosecutor's Department of Jiangcheng Procuratorate and faces a series of new types of cybercrime cases. He Luyuan worked together to give full play to various procuratorial functions and demonstrate the professional demeanor of a female public prosecutor. An Ni (played by Di Lieba) pinpointed the clues of the crime, led her colleagues to carry out cross-border tracking and arduous investigation, and finally successfully cracked one criminal case after another, allowing layers of hidden suspects to be arrested one by one. An Ni used the wonderful court public prosecution to make the criminal suspect plead guilty to the law, showing the professionalism and professional charm of a female public prosecutor. At the same time, An Ni is also facing various challenges and tests at work. Together with He Luyuan, she has made unremitting efforts to uphold the law and justice
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