"High School Star Opera" is an original TV animation produced by the Japanese animation company C-Station. It mainly tells the story of five teenagers struggling for their dreams They are Yuta Hoshitani, Yuto Nayuki, Kaito Tsukio, Sho Tenkaji, and Souzai. They are all studying at the prestigious school in the music and entertainment industry——Ayasha Academy. They all want to join everyone's longing. so they met in the process of hard work, the five of them helped each other, and strived to have their own problems. Although the grades were excellent, they still had different problems. Approved by many people, but they met weird people. It was not accepted by the accreditation, so in this school, they formed a group of five people and wanted to work hard to join their dream music discipline to study. From this, the five teenagers embarked on a serious and hard-working learning process. During this process, he used the five of them to infect more people
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